エンパイアカジノ キャッシュバック


Notice of refraining from IR activities during the quiet period.


エンパイアカジノ キャッシュバック results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 is due to be announced on September 2nd (Monday), 2019, as announced on August 14th (Wednesday), 2019.

In order to prevent leaks of information related to エンパイアカジノ キャッシュバック statement and ensure fairness, we will refrain from investor relations activities during the quiet period from July 16th (Tuesday) to August 30th (Friday).

Please understand that we will not be able to comment on, or answer questions about, エンパイアカジノ キャッシュバック settlement during this period.

However, in case there is information subject to timely disclosure, エンパイアカジノ キャッシュバック publish it in accordance with the timely disclosure rule.