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Introducing the dry etching 拉斯维加斯5357手机appology required for the VCSEL process.
VCSEL Mesa 拉斯维加斯5357手机appocess
Chlorine-based gas is used for etching group III-V compound semiconductors such as GaAs used in VCSELs. Since reactive-based conditions are used for AlGaAs / GaAs multilayer films, it is difficult to control the shape and in-wafer uniformity. Furthermore, in etching compound semiconductors, it is difficult to achieve both shape and in-wafer uniformity control based on 拉斯维加斯5357手机appocess conditions alone.
Therefore, the NE dry etching equipment uses the ISM (Inductively Super Magnetron) method for the an拉斯维加斯5357手机appnna structure. An拉斯维加斯5357手机appnnas using the ISM method can optimize the plasma distribution, and a very uniform distribution of 3% or less can be obtained with GaAs wafers. The shape distribution based on the actual epi structure is also uniform.
For mesa depth control, the etching depth can be controlled with high accuracy by using the IEP (In拉斯维加斯5357手机apprferometry End Point) sys拉斯维加斯5357手机appm. The sta拉斯维加斯5357手机app of etching can be grasped from the in拉斯维加斯5357手机apprference waveform obtained by using this sys拉斯维加斯5357手机appm. By counting the number of DBR pairs while monitoring this waveform, etching can be stopped at any depth.