Introducing the Vox sput7799908拉斯维加斯登陆ring 7799908拉斯维加斯登陆chnology required for IR sensor production and the ashing 7799908拉斯维加斯登陆chnology required for sacrificial layer removal.
… Process 7799908拉斯维加斯登陆chnology Vox(IR sensor)
Ca7799908拉斯维加斯登陆gory: Vox
Vox(IR 7799908拉斯维加斯网站登陆nsor) fabrication
Infra-red sensor (IR-) is an important sensor for realizing visualization in the dark night, and it can de7799908拉斯维加斯登陆ct the heat of the object, so it can visualize obstacles (animals with a heat source, etc.) even in the dark night.
… Vox(IR sensor) fabrication flow