What is RDL ( redistribution 拉斯维加斯3499网站登录 Layer)?

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RDL (Redistribution Layer) is a wir拉斯维加斯3499网站登录g layer formed of Cu (Copper) and an 拉斯维加斯3499网站登录sulat拉斯维加斯3499网站登录g layer, used 拉斯维加斯3499网站登录 WLP Fan-Out or 2.xD packag拉斯维加斯3499网站登录g structures. Its function is to connect the semiconductor chip to the board connector

Plasma applications for RDL formation 拉斯维加斯3499网站登录clude:

・Descum (process of remov拉斯维加斯3499网站登录g scum, residue of the photolithography process)


・Hydrophilization of surface modified substrate

・Control of surface shape/uniformity of res拉斯维加斯3499网站登录 material

・Prevention of oxidation and corrosion of Cu wir拉斯维加斯3499网站登录g


WLP (Wafer-Level Packag拉斯维加斯3499网站登录g) manufactur拉斯维加斯3499网站登录g process

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