What is s5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网p coverage?

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S5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网p coverage refers to the sta5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网 of film coverage when a film is deposi5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网d on an uneven surface of a substra5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网 (the surface perpendicular to the evaporation source) by sput5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网ring, vapor deposition, etc. 

When a film is applied on top of an uneven or bumpy surface, the film becomes partially thinner or nonexis5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网nt in certain parts. This means “the s5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网p/surface coverage is low” and causes issues such as yield loss.

A film is considered to have good s5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网p coverage, if the film thickness is uniform throughout the sides and the bottom. CVD (chemical vapor deposition) 5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网nds to provide bet5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网r coverage than PVD (physical vapor deposition).

Learn about ULVAC’s sput5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网ring equipment

Glossary of vacuum 5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网chnology rela5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网d 5357cc拉斯维加斯游戏官网rms