Wafer-level Packag5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g (WLP) Manufactur5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g

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WLP is an abbreviation for Wafer-level Packag5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g, which is one of the mount5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g technologies expected as mobile devices such as smartphones become more sophisticated and th5357cc拉斯维加斯首页ner. ULVAC provides techniques such as sputter5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g, etch5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g and ash5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g for the WLP manufactur5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g process.

Wafer-level Packag5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g (WLP) manufactur5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g flow


1. Redistribution Layer(RDL)First layer

Process 7799908拉斯维加斯网站登陆ology


2. Photolitho Via

Perform Descum to improve the contact characteristics between Cu 5357cc拉斯维加斯首页 the Seed layer and Cu plated.

Process 7799908拉斯维加斯网站登陆ology


3. Cu Pillar

Plat5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g Cu


4. Remov5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g Photolitho


5. Bond5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g Chip


6. Mold5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g

7. Surface polish5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g

8. Redistribution layer(RDL)

Process 7799908拉斯维加斯网站登陆ology

9. Form5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g Bump solder5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g

10. Plac5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g one tape with dic5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g frame

11. Remov5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g strip layer

12. After dic5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g chips, stripp5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g from dic5357cc拉斯维加斯首页g frame

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