Outstanding vinyl 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 Record

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Quality and High Sound Quality Realized by Using Sputtering Film

Reduced Abrasion, Good Heat Conductivity, and Static Electricity Prevention 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站rough 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e Use of Vacuum Film Technologies

Vinyl records quickly lost 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站eir long-held dominant position in 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e music publishing market when digital CDs made 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站eir debut at 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e beginning of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e 1980s, and in just a few short years 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey had been relegated to a small corner of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e music publishing market. Vinyl records did not completely disappear, however; 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey were still produced for a small number of audio fans. In recent years, demand for vinyl records has tended to increase, mainly among 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e younger generation who were brought up listening to CDs. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e main reasons behind 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is trend include 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e fact 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at CD sleeves don’t have 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e same dynamic feel as vinyl record sleeves do and 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e high sound quality 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at is unique to analog recording is only reproducible wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 today’s high performance audio sets. Al拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ough 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e performance of acoustic products has been increasingly enhanced, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e original quality of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) —or “vinyl”— LP records has not been modified or improved since 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey made 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站eir debut in 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e latter half of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e 1940s. For 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is issue of LIVING & ULVAC directs a spotlight on 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e high-quality PROLAYER records created by ULVAC TAIWAN INC. PROLAYER records are produced by leveraging vacuum technologies to eliminate 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e weakness of vinyl records, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ereby providing even higher sound quality.
Interview wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站: ULVAC TAIWAN INC.

PROLAYER Records Produced Using Vacuum Technologies

ULVAC TAIWAN INC. (UTI; head office: Hsinchu city, Taiwan) was founded in 1981. It is a core overseas member of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e group of companies 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at act as ULVAC’s global production base.
UTI’s main line of business is 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e manufacture of vacuum equipment for 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e electronics industry, which produces devices such as semiconductors and LCD televisions, and it also provides field supports for 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is industry. As part of its unique range of activities, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e company has recently developed PROLAYER, a groundbreaking sputtering film record 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at is made using a type of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站in-film deposition equipment called a sputtering system.

Taiwan 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站cord
A PROLAYERTM record produced using sputtering film and its sleeve

Universal Resurgence of Interest in Vinyl Records

拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e world’s first vinyl record was 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e 78 rpm shellac record.
It had a recording time of about five minutes on one side. Some time later, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e use of high-density polyvinyl chloride (PVC) allowed extremely narrow grooves to be formed in records to act as 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sound source. As a result, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e long-playing (LP) record, which can hold 30 minutes or more of music on one side, became 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e principal type of vinyl record.
拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e LP record was developed in 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e latter half of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e 1940s, and it replaced conventional 78 rpm records from 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e 1950s onwards. Until 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e digital CD appeared in 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e early 1980s, LP records were 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e main form of music media for about half a century. In 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e 1990s, vinyl records became temporarily obsolete.
Since 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e mid-2000s, however, LP record production has been gradually increasing, and 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey have regained some of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站eir popularity 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站rough support from not only vinyl fans, but also 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e younger generation.

Sales of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站cord
Global Trends in Sales of Vinyl Records

A Radical Measure to Improve Previously Unchanged Vinyl Records

From 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e left: Stanley Wu (UTI Vice President), Chiang-Yao Chen, Ellie Chen (in charge of development and project), and Clare Wei (Vice President) in front of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering system

拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站roughout 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e vinyl record age and 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e digital CD age, audio electronic devices —such as record players, CD players, amplifiers, and speakers— have undergone an amazing evolution, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ereby contributing to 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e high-quality sound we now enjoy. In contrast, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e materials and production process used for vinyl records have remained unchanged, so vinyl records have not evolved in 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e same way as audio devices have.
So, is 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e vinyl record a perfect product? No. Vinyl recordshave a lot of problems. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e main problems are as follows. A record differs from a CD in 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at sound is produced by a phonograph needle tracing 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e record’s grooves. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e heat generated on 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e side in contact wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e needle causes 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e record’s shape
to change, which eventually results in damage to 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e grooves.
Consequently, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e service life of a record is limited. Ano拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站er crucial issue is a problem wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e material PVC. PVC tends to generate static electricity, which results in dust accumulating on 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e record. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is dust generates noise and disturbs 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e comfortable sound of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e music.

Eliminating Problems wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 Records 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站rough 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e Use of Sputtering Film

Stanley Wu (UTI Vice President) unveils 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e PROLAYER record at 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e TAA Taipei Yuen-shan Audio Show

Vinyl records have 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e following drawbacks: 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey are inferior in terms of abrasion; 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey have very low heat conductivity; and 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey tend to generate static electricity. As a fan of vinyl, Clare Wei (UTI Vice president) wondered whe拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站er vacuum technologies could be leveraged to eliminate 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ese problems. He 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站en had a flash of inspiration when he came up wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e idea of applying a vacuum 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站in film to 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e surface of a phonographic record.
Various different me拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ods can be used to form a 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站in film wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e aid of a vacuum. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e following are 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ree most commonly used ones: 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e evaporation me拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站od, which is relatively easy to use for a wide variety of applications; 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering me拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站od, which is suitable for large homogeneous areas; and 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e vapor phase grow拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 me拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站od, which forms a high-performance chemical 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站in film 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站rough vaporization. After some trial and error, it was finally determined 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at a molybdenum sputtering film formed wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 a sputtering system would eliminate 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e problems.
拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is sputtering film enhances vinyl records by molybdenum’se melting point up to more 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站an 2,500°C, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ereby increasing 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e surface hardness to about 30 times greater 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站an conventional vinyl records material, PVC, and increasing 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e heat conductivity to about
1,300 times greater. In addition, since 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering film produces a smoo拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 surface, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e friction force is reduced by 50% or more, and 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e damage caused by 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e pressure 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e stylus exerts on 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e grooves is markedly reduced. It has been demonstrated 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering film contributes to an increased service life for records.
In 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e spring of 2015, Clare Wei approached Mr. Yu-Chang Huang, a chief member of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e Kaohsiung Electrical Commercial Association, wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 his idea, and toge拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站er 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ey launched a joint development project. In August 2015, 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering film record was exhibited at 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e TAA Taipei Yuen-shan Audio Show. An audio commentator was invited to attend 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e show, and Ms. Artemis H.R. Yen who granted 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e Post-Graduated diploma in piano Performance from 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e famed Moscow State conservatory, performed one of Tchaikovsky’s piano pieces live. After 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at, an event was held where 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站ose attending listened to 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e same piece of music being played using a conventional vinyl record and a sputtering film record to compare 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sound quality. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering film record received such a favorable review from 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e audio commentator 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at it actually is our expectations.
We are now in 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e process of trademarking 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering film record, and 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e mass production of sputtering film is almost wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站in sight. Going forward, we will develop concrete approaches for promoting sales of 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e PROLAYER record by selecting target artists and album music for its world debut.

Sputter拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站g for record
拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e Principle of Sputtering Film Deposition 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e target is positioned opposite 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e substrate. In an argon atmosphere under a pressure of between a fraction of 1 pascal and several pascals, an electric discharge is generated by applying a negative high voltage of several kilovolts to 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e target. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is discharge creates plasma in which argon atoms become positive ions 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站at collide wi拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e target. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e atoms ejected by 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is collision reach 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e substrate and form a deposition 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站in film on it. 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站is 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站in film deposition me拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站od is called 拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站e sputtering me拉斯维加斯网址9888官方网站od.
